Everything You Need To Know About Hip Replacement Surgery

Over the past few years, hip replacement surgery has come a long way with respect to recovery time and complications. Total Hip Replacement (THR) is a surgical procedure where an orthopaedic surgeon removes a part of the hip which is affected with arthritis and replaces it with an artificial prosthesis (metal or ceramic) that is designed to last for at least 15-20 years. This is not an emergency procedure, but undergoing this improves the quality of life.

When is it done?

Orthopedic doctors at Zoi Hospitals recommend total hip replacement surgery to patients who are diagnosed with:

1. Osteoarthritis:

Commonly known as wear-and-tear arthritis, this condition damages the cartilage that covers the ends of the joints which facilitate movement.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused as a result of an overactive immune system. This condition causes a type of inflammation that erodes the cartilage and the underlying bone, which results in damaged and deformed joints.

3. Osteonecrosis:

In this condition, the hip bone collapses and deforms due to the inadequate blood supply to the ball portion of the hip joint.

Doctors also recommend undergoing surgery if the patient is experiencing hip pain which:

  • Not letting you do daily activities like climbing stairs, bending, etc
  • Persists, despite taking pain medication
  • Worsens with walking, even with support
  • Interferes with sleep
  • Affects the ability to go up or down stairs
  • Makes it difficult to rise from a seated position

Hip replacement surgery can eliminate pain

The main reason people undergo hip replacement surgery is to enjoy the ability to walk and move without chronic and excruciating pain. At Zoi Hospitals in Hyderabad, the surgery takes approximately 1-3 hours after which the patients have reported that their joint pain has been significantly reduced or completely eliminated.

Technology Used:

Zoi Hospitals in Hyderabad is one of the leading experts in pioneering Computer Navigated THR in India. This advanced technology enables the orthopaedic surgeons to remove the damaged tissue with precision and insert the implant in the exact position.

What will happen after the surgery?

After the surgery, the patient will be moved to a recovery area for a few hours until the anaesthesia wears off. The staff will then monitor the patient's blood pressure, pulse, alertness, pain or comfort level, and provide medication accordingly. In just 3-6 weeks, the patient will be able to get back to work without experiencing any pain. There are exceptions of course.

Adults of any age can be recommended to undergo hip replacement surgery. Most people experience a disappearance in pain and significant improvement in their range of movement after the surgery. Post surgery, physiotherapy is very helpful and is a must for about 3 weeks along with gait therapy.

At Zoi Hospitals, experienced orthopedic surgeons will provide effective treatment for the injured joint and ensure that the patient experiences a pain-free life.
To know more about the procedure and the surgeons, click on this link : https://zoihospitals.com


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